Computer Architecture

The computer architecture consist set of rules which demonstrate the functions and purposes of computer system and implementation of these functions (Hennessy and Patterson, 2011). Athlon is main processor which is introduced in January 2019 by Advance Micro Device (AMD) Inc. Intel Celeron is good product of Intel Corporation (Fasiku, Olawale and Abiola, 2013). AdvanceContinue reading “Computer Architecture”

Recruitment, Selection and Placement ( Emirates Telecommunications Group company and Emirates Islamic Bank)

Recruitment, selection and placement are essential processes and steps in every organization across the globe. Emirates Telecommunications Group company and Emirates Islamic Bank are significant organizations in the United Arabs Emirates (UAE) with various departments and supply chain. Both Emirates telecommunications Group company and Emirates Islamic Bank business strategy can be described as a people-centredContinue reading “Recruitment, Selection and Placement ( Emirates Telecommunications Group company and Emirates Islamic Bank)”

Impacts of technology on society

This study is endeavors to analyze the impacts of technology on the society. Now days technology is increasing rapidly and effecting the society in two ways. Everything has its positive and negative impact same that technology has some positive impacts on the society and some negative impacts (Sutton, 2013).The main objective of this study isContinue reading “Impacts of technology on society”

Security Issues and Solutions

This study is endeavors to analyze the information technology security problems and their solutions. It also intends to study about the importance of encryption and encryption types of data communication. Security problem in information technology are very common phenomena. Some of the security problems are very harmful for the organizations so it is necessary forContinue reading “Security Issues and Solutions”

Computer Networks

In this study we will discuss the wired and wireless computer networks and security issues related with these networks. We will also analyze the concept of client server and web based application and security threats associated with them. Introduction of Wired and wireless networks The wired computer network describes the association or connection of theContinue reading “Computer Networks”

What is PESTLE analysis ?

PESTEL analysis definition: PESTEL analysis defined as a strategic management tool used to assess the external environment affecting a business it then enables the business to create a strategy to limit these impacts.   this article explains all six pestle factors in common areas within those that businesses need to consider each factor. first ofContinue reading “What is PESTLE analysis ?”

Merger of Emirates Bank International and National Bank of Dubai

Merger of Emirates Bank International and National Bank of Dubai Introduction Merger and acquisition is a common approach which plays a substantial part in the corporate sector. A merger is a strategy where two different firms combine their businesses to create a new point to achieve their goals. The main objective of the merger isContinue reading “Merger of Emirates Bank International and National Bank of Dubai”

International Joint Venture

1. Introduction to Joint Venture A joint venture (JV) is a key method used by foreign organizations for executing their market entry or expansion strategy. Joint ventures can prove to be helpful for companies for going beyond an agency or distribution arrangement, with the achievement of particular strategic goals. A joint venture is a favorite choiceContinue reading “International Joint Venture”

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